Awards &


William King


of Art

The show is titled “Type + Image + Motion” and it was displayed at The Art Lab at William King Museum of Art in Abingdon, VA from August 19 through November 13, 2024. You don’t have to do anything or turn anything in. For GRDS, I’ve chosen work from Typography, Pixel-Based Design & Imagery, and Advanced Graphic Design & Branding courses from 2023-24.

Milligan Athletics Buffy’s Awards Ceremony

My designs were used in the 2nd Annual 23-24 Buffy’s Awards Ceremony. This is a yearly ceremony held to recognize significant achievements by the entire athletic department for Milligan University. My designs were used as Award Winner slide presentations and they helped announce each individual winner

Milligan University’s


Art Show

The exhibit, “Murmuration,” features 62 works of art by 36 artists, designers and photographers at Milligan.

“‘Murmuration’ is a celebration of all the areas of study and types of media within the fine art and visual communication academic programs,” said Art Brown, associate professor of graphic design. “It’s especially exciting to the faculty to show our own artwork on campus side-by-side with our students. They get to see what we create, experiment with and research on our own outside of the classroom, and we get to share the experience of showing that work to the public.”

Two of my designs, specifically the Refugee Book Jacket and JB’s Bar were displayed within the exhibit.

“Two Cats + A Herd of Buffalo” Art Show

“Two Cats + A Herd of Buffalo” — the 2023 Milligan art exhibition at Dos Gatos Coffee Bar in Downtown Johnson City. This is an annual art show held publicly for Milligan students to show off their work from their year in class. This show has a packed coffee house every year and my work was displayed on its walls.